Members Share Reasons to Join The Podcast Academy

This post was written collaboratively by members of the TPA Marketing Committee

TPA’s mission is to support podcast makers and advance the cultural merit of the medium. We love the Podcast Academy so much we want to share it with everyone – some of us have been members since day one, others are a bit newer, but we were all drawn in for similar reasons. 


Why We Joined:

Community – Creative people unite! 

I love that this community is filled with bright, spirited creatives who put their passion to work! As an indie podcaster, I knew I couldn't go it alone and needed a community to share resources, brainstorm, problem-solve, and more. The opportunity to meet and network with people is invaluable. Women in leadership played a significant role in my decision to join. Being part of this community allows me to connect with others in the industry who share my values, network with larger podcast organizations, and access a diverse group of professionals, including those in music licensing and law. It's exciting to be part of a group that's making our industry more official and setting standards. I wanted to get out of my bubble and see the amazing projects people are creating globally. Additionally, I aim to be a presence for Canadian podcasters and actively participate in the global podcasting community. Networking within this community is truly inspiring!

Knowledge Sharing & Growth

The mentorship program is an amazing part of TPA—one of my favorites! It's an unparalleled opportunity to sit at the feet of podcasting wizards and soak up their knowledge. I love being able to contribute my own knowledge and experience to others while learning and growing alongside fellow podcasters. It's a chance to delve deeper into the podcasting industry, find resources to help grow the local community of podcasters, and understand how other organizations operate and represent their members. Learning from the best helps me open my mind and identify more opportunities, particularly for LatAm markets.

Why We Stay: 

Since joining, I've learned about what sets TPA apart, and for me, it's the quality of senior leadership and its international scope, which many other groups lack. TPA strikes the perfect balance of active engagement: members are responsive and involved, but I'm not inundated with dozens of irrelevant threads and posts each day. I see TPA as more of an association than a group, as it sets standards and practices that elevate the industry as a whole. It's a generous organization offering opportunities that strengthen both the organization and its members. The mentorship program is unparalleled, providing access to an array of people with expertise ranging from beginners and at-home creators to CEOs of the top five companies in the industry.


Thank you to the members of the Marketing Committee who contributed responses: 

Lily Allen-Dueñas, Founder of the Words Colors Shapes and the Wild Yoga Tribe and host of the Wild Yoga Tribe Podcast

John Leschinski, Founder & Executive Director of the Canadian Podcast Awards

Monica Wisdom, I am the Founder of Black Women Amplified and Chief Coach at Monica Wisdom Coaching


Arielle Nissenblatt, community marketing manager at Descript

Ryan Rose Founder, CEO

Sangeeta Pillai, CEO & Founder, Soul Sutras

Heather Mason, Director of Product Marketing

Steph Colbourn, CEO of editaudio


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